Friday, August 10, 2012


Here I was working through the week, and when I looked up, it was over!

Weird too, for I started out thinking that with Michael & Mark off campus, folks would be on full chill and all would sail silently along. Not!

Nonetheless, Friday has broken free, and in the distance I can see the new RVCC dawning. 
Sweetness indeed...

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Life, isn't really that complicated.

Tuesday, and yet, keep in mind that Jesus was constantly tested and scorned by the people in the temples. But the poor, the lame, the sick and the sinners He spent time caring for and Loving.

And always remember how He warned His people about those praising false gods and doctrines, or worse, those that invoke His Name, and don't even really know Him!

So please, vote your Faith, and not your race. The only lost tribes are those that have fallen away from the narrow path...

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Saturdays Quote(edited);

Before you talk, listen.
Before you act, think.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.

And yet, before this day is over,
give yourself the permission to dream big!

Before is always better than never...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Evil, never wants to let you go(on);

Often, as is in, this is not something I'm proud of; always, when it's over, it's over!

And yet, I get it.

Some people just can't move past the past, for maybe that's where they did their best work? But for me (and my family), we live in the now, always hoping for a (better, or otherwise) tomorrow, but rarely do we bring up your past.

Obviously, for you and yours,
if that's all you have to lean on, my apologies.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Let me ask you a question?

When is it enough conversation, and not enough production? Is there ever enough disobedience and disrespect?

Not that I’m feeling overwhelmed by the underperformance, more, I’m just frustrated with having to listen to the prattling of those who do less than should ever have been tolerated, as they’re constantly wondering if I and my team can do anymore than we’ve already accomplished!

And thanks to the one who revealed recently that being nice, is to behave in a friendly, ingratiating, or conciliatory manner, and truth be told, that wasn’t in the job description, nor in the notes that I placed in the addendum(s).

So here we are, once again having to calm ourselves from the needless friction of another series of failed opportunities to achieve and exceed, and yet, there’s just this lingering dread of wondering if there is an excellent ending to all the unrelenting mediocrity?

Remembering that it’s unnecessary to hold my hand and rub my forehead, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be an acceptable practice to force my team to stand by while others derail our progress with their ability to keep you looking down..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Check the currency(please);

"The seal, the pyramid, it's unfinished.
With the eye looking over it. And the words Annuit Coeptis.
'He Favors our Undertaking.'

The seal is meant to be unfinished, because this country's meant to be unfinished. We're meant to keep doing better. We're meant to keep discussing and debating."

Growth, requires change.
Not holding onto yesterdays gains,
but righteously seeking new mercies every day!

That to me is freedom...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Closing in on the question(s)

Monday rolled up on me earlier than I would have liked, and yet, there's change on the wind again. And I like change(passion, compassion, conversation and hugs too!)...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yesterday(7/21/1990) I wept openly;

Have you ever lost your mind, and then had another reveal it to you from a distance? Well, it sure looked that way to me: It was on stage in front of 500,000 people, with a worldwide audience of millions more, Live @ the Potsdam Platz in Berlin Germany, there was Rodger Waters, singing about my life.

Odd for sure..

"What shall we use to fill the empty spaces where waves of hunger roar? Shall we set out across this sea of faces in search of more & more applause?
Shall we buy a new guitar?
Shall we drive a more powerful car?
Shall we work straight through the night?
Shall we get into fights?
Leave the lights on?
Drop bombs?
Do tours of the East?
Contract disease?
Bury bones?
Break up homes?
Send flowers by phone?
Take to drink?
Get a new shrink?
Give up meat?
Rarely sleep?
Keep people as pets?
Train dogs?
Raise rats?
Fill the attic with cash?
Bury treasure?
Store up leisure?
But never relax at all,
With our backs to the Wall!"

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Some Thursday truths:

Life isn't fair, but your friends should be.
Lazy people are not productive leaders.
Managers, who cannot communicate,
do not delegate.

The longer the conversation continues,
the less your point resonates.
And, just for the record,
if you'll spend real money for fake food,
often you only alienate those who can actually prepare a real meal,
just as your hunger sets in!
The often quoted:

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life." Only applies to men who eat fish...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Moroni (Book of Mormon prophet)

"If you can make people believe in absurdity,
you can make them commit atrocities."


Just another reminder to vote your faith, vote your passions, vote for what's real! People representing a false god, will only reveal themselves as false leaders...

Monday, July 16, 2012


Today, I pledge to be with the wind,
near and far, up close, or if you wish,
only seen off in the distance..

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


As the weekend rolls closer, the topic of fear was on this mornings agenda, and yet, one should never be so afraid that they'll lose what your uniquley after, simply because some other person arrives @ 1st. or even while your about to posses it.

Not only can this not really happen, but you're not even seeking something that can be possessed by anyone else anyway; for it is your own dreaming, your own longing that is causing what you want to be created from the energy and the supply that is without limits! Without limits!

Can a bird fly?
Do fish swim?
Are you aware why?

Keep that thought real in your heart,
and the rest will unfold as you move it forward.

In the between, remember to move in peace..

Friday, July 06, 2012

Philadelphia nights;

Midnight, and like all creative types, the moon, the stars, they only remind us that the day lives on as we bring the idea(s) within us, to fruition..

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Fear and loathing, or drunk and stupid?

Independence(day) is not about the Joy of doing whatever seems right to you alone, Independence is the Joy of making a series of decisions that serves to not enslave others to your overreach!

Enjoy the day(for what it is),
but remember to not spoil it for the rest of us...

Monday, July 02, 2012

More than that;

The new week moves into day two soon enough, and yet the reality of your next series of indulgences shouldn't be based on your perceived inabilities as defined by others, but, upon your latent ambitions, screaming to be released and realized...

Friday, June 29, 2012


Beauty is the reality of being yourself.
Frustration comes when your reality is living someone else's life!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ear helps;

Listening is a magnetic and powerful embrace, a creative force from deep within ourselves. Thus the friends who listen to us are the ones we move closer toward.

Just as when we are listened to, it creates and enhances our center, allowing us to unfold and then, expand toward others.

Tuesday morning and though, I'm missing the laughter of my sons, the warmth of the sun, and the calm that comes from swimming @ the W. Dennis Beach in July, on this day, I do have the Joy of a job yet be completed by the many hands in the Worship Center to refresh me.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What if;

The reality is I can't be there, if you never tell me where it is!

Nor can I calm the hurt, if you never speak about it openly with me, and yet, the reality also is that if you stop walking into walls,
you might find the door that much sooner!

Just saying..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

An Island on the sea;

Wednesday reminds me that no matter the circumstance(s), life is often more about what we're willing to reach(beyond ourselves) for, and less about what we say(to others) we're searching for!

Like Joy, life is choosing and making the right choices.

Life is me choosing to not be down;
because I remember how hard it'll be be to motivate back up.

Wednesday(Thursday), let it be different this time...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My 3 Sons;

Distance isn't the answer, but neither is it the excuse;

Father's day may be the greatest reminder, but one day,
when the children grow old enough, then, and more often then not,
it will be a Happy Father's day!

In the between, be happy in your heart..

Friday, June 15, 2012

How can you win;

Introduce yourself to your obstacles today:
"Hello, my name is Victory, and you must be; Defeated.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Choice equals opportunity;

Wednesday, and the reality of it all isn't lost underneath the misunderstanding.

For honestly, the best part about fear, is it reveals who you really are, when whatever you're standing(upon) behind, falls down in front of you!

Me, I like the idea of fear, enjoy the fight, or flight emotions, and yet, I don't filter my understanding through them, for it's not what we're feeling that matters, it what we know, and where that knowledge is actually rooted.

Wednesday, and though people come and go, choosing still helps nonetheless..

Friday, June 08, 2012

There's more to come;

Friday coming up(or, you're in Guam), and though it's the end of the week, it's not the end of it all. So shake it off and step into the positive. Life is what's it's going to be, you though, you can be who(ever) you want.

And yes, even with my eyes off you, You are Amazing nonetheless...

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Without fear;

I live, love, and work around some human beings that often cause me to question my own smile, and yet, seeing them, knowing what they say and do aren't always the same thing, I'm still happily in love with them...

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Quit your bitching;

And in this way, it doesn't matter if you remember what you've said, 
for what you've said, is something you'll want repeated about you!

Plus, I like the Post Office...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Okay, I do love you still!

Our memories are built like this
Some are clear and real
Others travel in and out
With no specific rhythmic or rhyme

Life's phases too are tapestries
With textures of their own
Some we love and some we hate
From all of them, we've grown anew

So we gather wisdom from our pains
From torment we grow strong
From the sorrow, we grow Joy
Our spirit nurtured by mistakes;
Still fated travels on..

Memorial Day;

"True enough; nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but anyone can start again today, and make a new ending!"

Holidays give way to Joy and Relaxation,
but still, I find myself thinking of more..

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thomas Jefferson

Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Friday, May 25, 2012


Thursday reminds me that it isn't power that people fear, it's the loss of being part of a whole that keeps people focused on that which is obvious only when they're not looking around them!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Did you Vote?

Here in my(NW) corner of the Universe, the acrimony and false dealing(s) has open the door to run away criminality(or so they say) due to the now under-funded criminal justice apparatus. And, perhaps where you move about under it all, similar dysfunction is on the offer? Makes me sad!

Nonetheless, before we throw in the towel and jump back to 1952(again), let's all take a deep(er) breath and ask for the truth instead.

What can it hurt to know the facts before we act(up)?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Words I liked;

"Begin while others are procrastinating
listen while others are talking
Smile while others are frowning
Study while others are sleeping
Believe while others are doubting
Plan while others are playing
Save while others are wasting
Decide while others are criticizing
Persist while others are quitting
Prepare while others are dreaming
And with determination,
success will smile at you."

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Yesterday, I remembered a heart I'd broken, it was, my mothers.

Not because of just one thing, or one incident, or even another’s thoughtless action that I ignored, but, because of my own need to be busy, to be about something other than my Fathers business, my mother, she went unnoticed, unrecognized, unrealized!

So this Sunday, I'll put aside the cards.
Put aside the flowers.
And just offer my Love,
which oddly enough, is all a mother ever wants...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ask your Mother(s);

what is was it like to be a Woman during that "sweet, by & by" when all a man needed to do was say his wife wasn't what he needed her to be, and(who needs a divorce), he could have her committed on word(s) alone.

And then, Vote for your future(and not their past)!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The week, ends;

and I'm thinking about You.

Wondering what your week was like(?), and how your Spring is unfolding(?) around You. Me, I'm living that NW Dream still, enjoying the fresh air, while keeping my eyes open to it all! Ideally, You're doing the same...

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Okay, I'm done with this

but I just wanted to leave this thought with you; what if there was no need to misquote, mistreat, misdirect, no need to mistake outer Wimer for the Willamette Valley, what then?

Would you be a better person?
Would your child have better friends?
Would you still be married to the 1st person you said I do with?

Reality, honestly, it is your friend!
Bring it home next time..

Monday, April 30, 2012


You have to burn a few bridges,
just to keep the crazies from following you!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Race(and the upcoming), Re-Mix;

Friday, and I was thinking that I've arrived @ that place in America, where I am not so much a threat, as an annoyance. Odd too, for I can still taste the sweet smell of my own blood, still sense that dread and unease, and yet, here it is, an age where I’m not so much a Young, Handsome Black Man, and the fears caught up in that phrase, but I’m a Man, who’s Black, which today, seems to not excite as many anxieties.

Not that having the grey says that I’m any less threatening, for I think that now my with my brain quicker than my fist, I’m a more formidable opponent, but, in this place, appearances have always counted more than substance, so in a way, I guess it’s a good thing that I’m more uncle ben, than Mandingo Buck!

Friday, and as I was watching the world out of the corner of my eye, I was reminded that with it so soon to be “game over” for the man, and then what; Are we the next Canada, or the next Britannia?
Friday, and I normally have another thought in this, but today, I’m up against that milepost, where most of us never get to stand, so me, I’m taking it all in, more than when I’m thinking it further out.
Sweet Friday. Not sweet like after the blow, but close enough for now…


Friday, and the living isn't easy, and I've not been in the cotton fields lately, so, that might not be too high either! But on another note, I was just in the most productive meeting, with a real good group of Brothers, and in that, I am @ Peace!

So in the between, of what I know is brewing up to be(coming) an inspiring poem, and the next time you smile, keep this in mind: When you think past yourself, think past your own circumstances, often, life has a tremendous amount of potential left.

Living in it, taking hold of it even, might just be a matter of choice. What are you choosing?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

He knows, and that's enough..

If you know the story, keep it to yourself, but, earlier, I was over in Medford visiting with my Brother Don, and I was asked what I was doing. You know, you are where(or what) you work(at), and in speaking my answer, I realized two things:

The least important is that, I was a much better team leader and rain maker, so much so that, the boss who respected me the least, uses what I accomplished in spite of his efforts, to set example(s) of what can be done, when you reach high.

Sadly though, the most impacting was when I was confronted with the reality that serving the Lord, for some, isn't as important as having the last word. And in that, I'm proud to say that if even under the worst conditions, a true servant can and should make a positive impression 1st., 

For honestly, the tape does play on without you...

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Leftovers consumed.
Lawn mowed.
Laundry folded.
Website(s) updated.

Off to the Growers Market for Pizza and then; Worship Rehearsal!

Be blessed as You move about the Universe today...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

They killed Kennedy too!

What if you could really believe in the future.

Not the future where you sacrifice your faith, for your race, or even, that future where we're all back in that time, that was uglier than those fake movie depictions?

Not that I think about any of that, but tonight, riding in from Eagle Point, I saw a giant rebel flag flying off a truck, and a fresh rebel bumper sticker on another. And before you even jump off that cliff, let me ask you this; would you rather live in a better tomorrow, or have one more chance to relive the last 10 years?

Just saying...

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Many things matter, and even a few things have an even deeper meaning, but so much is subjective, and thus, personal in that it's hard to express across friendships, families, and even those within whom, we have connection.

Rain(s): and the grass grows, and the earth knows, and often, that's enough.
Pain(s): and the body shows, and the insurance flows, and we're healed!

Often though, outside of rhyme and reason, many struggle in silence, and in that, I'm always left to wonder why we need class, caste, division, religion, and hate.

But, that's for another day.

Make the most of it...

Monday, April 02, 2012


What people require(deserve) to Serve confidently is, a leader who can: 
Anticipate - Think - Critically - Interpret - Decide - Align - Learn.

In this, we can hold people (the leader included) accountable, and within those principals, there is less opportunity for there to be stagnant volunteers.

Not that the words, stagnant and volunteers should ever fit together, but, sometimes, they do!

Easter week; somewhere, there's a service that needs your help..

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday en route;

Underneath the realities, I learned from my dad, who didn’t have a formal education but had doctorates from both the school of hard knocks and the Korean War (conflict).

He always modeled, that if you gave 110 percent, all the time, a lot of the hurt filled things that'll happen in this life, will be tempered by the knowledge that you were all in, ever present and accounted for!

And from those lessons learned along the way, and the continuing Joy of breathing still, for me, it's not consistent with a good life, whether or not I'm right, or validated by others, for the real answers are to be found in the way I live, in spite of those things!

And I like that.

Thursday then, and it feels good to heading off to:
It's not work, so much as a joy to be welcome (d) and present at the same time...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Endings and the way things begin, are often influenced by sound. Bird song, or ocean roar, the comforting voice of another even.

And days, days are influenced in that same way.

Be kind, walk softer, speak into that person.

In this way, outcomes are influenced and your smiling more...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Just wondering

To care, to share, to live and love, these universal things, these essential human aspirations, and all that's required to embrace them, is a strong enough desire for more than the less, you're presently trying hard not to be swallowed by!

Fear though, fear and the memory of loss hold so many still in place.

For if a tree can grow in Brooklyn,
and a rose was seen rising through the concrete of Oakland, what then can deny you the life your heart aches for?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Weak Ends;

Friday, and that can only mean the weekend is about to jump off again!

As we move about it, lets treat our Brothers and Sister with a greater degree of respect and compassion, for let me be the 1st. to say it;
some of us are having to fight the world, within our Christian relationships as well...

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Name;

Monday slides into night fall, and yes, the Brothers have lifted off into their own lives again.

Me, I enjoyed the Joy of being surrounded by the Power of a home full of Family, and yet, it's the after the visit that will radiate the furthest!

Nothing like the moment of course, but its those lives that we'll speak into now, that not so gentle nudge we'll give another that'll show this was just another example of why being Edward Jr. matters.

Thanks Dad..

Saturday, March 17, 2012

They say it's your B/Day

Often, when the world's spinning just a little slower, off just to the left of that I'm supposed to be doing, there, I can see your smile.

Somehow in this refreshed state, there, your laughter reminds me that though not everyone understands how to live within themselves, you're doing quite a good job nonetheless!

Birthdays then, I suppose bring people together, but, the reality of our written knowledge of the other, keeps our bond intact....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Today though, is Moms.

Friday finds the family wrapped in the Joy of moms 80th. Birth Day hilarity!

Charles of course has a video that is not for wider distribution, and our man; Jonathan Gitsy Durham called with the BirthDay greetings from off the Island, so, to say that its a been a good time, more than likely, I'm leaving something out!

So find Joy in all that you're doing today, and remember your own mom. Ideally, she's a major part of how you move, but even if she's not, there's still time...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You know what beauty is(?)


Surrendering to the Most High moves me!
Surrendering to the reality that is your space in the relationship, now that('ll produce) pure adoration.

And I came to this while chopping broccoli.
Not that Love and food are connected, but with me, my sense of place and position isn't defined in some rigid, ethnocentric paradigm of manhood, for I am human 1st., then I slip into my personalty, which, finds me peeling the garlic now.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Universe; let's look back(wards)

and then ahead to the future for a second;

"How many rivers do we have to cross,
Before we can talk to the boss?


All that we got, it seems we have lost;
We must have really paid the cost."

Just saying, though the old wars are renewed again, and yet, isn't it obvious that's change done come for the people? I mean, I get the whole "we used to!", but that isn't what's happening anymore..

Saturday, March 03, 2012

I liked this;

"When I say 'I am a Christian' 
I'm not aiming to be perfect;
My flaws are far too visible,
but God believes I am worth it."

Which isn't to say that what you believe(d) doesn't impact me,
but at the end of it all, you might not be where, I'm already going....

Friday, March 02, 2012


hos·pi·tal·i·ty[hos-pi-tal-i-tee] noun, plural -ties.
1. the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers.
2. the quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.

Weird, and yet, knowing the culture, not unexpected!

This weekend, make your enemies your friends, for making your friends into your enemies, well, we know where that gets you..

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Phillipians 4:6

How do we really know what to say?

Why do we even think words, from our lips, can help? Empathy; like Love are subjective(s),
and though we know it when we experience it,
often, we can translate in a way that wounds, and/or offends.

Today, like so many(in my valley), my heart isn't right, and yet words fail me, so, in my failure to understand, there He is, my faithful Friend, and Counselor, reminding me through the struggle(s) that all is well nonetheless..

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday dawns and Manna concludes.

With almost 24,000 sack lunches and 50,000 wieners served, and countless smiles enjoyed, it has been a very enjoyable six years in this ministry, and the co-laborers and I, we have been blessed by it all!

Meditating over all that has been, I am comforted by Psalm 127 which reminds us all: "1 Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. 2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat, for He grants sleep to those His beloved."

And in this new season of service, let's let those that labor for the approval of men have their reward, me, I'll keep the Lord in focus, and the world will fall away..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

People say

Sometimes, people ask me why I do what I do, or better still, why am I so exacting in how I prefer others to be around me, and though this isn't the answer, often, how we phrase questions, determines the appropriate response.

Thursday, and the weekend is going to be here soon enough...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras;

"Fat Tuesday is the traditional name for the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of behavior as a form of penitence. Fat Tuesday gets its name from a custom in many Catholic deceived countries, of marking the day with feasting, before the fasting season of Lent begins."

Me, this year, I'm giving up fear. Fear and maybe even reluctance. And yet, even w/out a reason, I will be embracing change!

Change and more Joy actually!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Aside from the usual fear mongering;

"There is no division, don’t you understand
The future looks as though it has come around
And maybe we have finally found our common ground

We’re the children of one Father
If you’re looking back don’t bother
We’re black and white America!"

NAACP Awards for sure, but that's not what started me thinking...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Wednesday, and though I can feel the tension in the air is huger still, oddly enough, I'm on the Worship Schedule, but then again, I am the servant that I always was, and in that, I can find comfort, even while others are still uncomfortable with the reality of it all.

And maybe it'll make no more sense now, than it did all the months I poured myself in so freely, while others made off with the cream, but, even in that, my spirit is free, and my God isn't wondering about my motive(s), so, I'm liking this new season more than I thought I would.

Which doesn't surprise anyone,
except for those, it does!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy February 14th.

The day of Valentine(s) Celebration.

And whereas today can also be celebrated as Singles Awareness Day(!), my hope is that no matter where you are in life, there is for you, someone to love(another to be loved by), whether it's a great friend, or someone truly special(?), just remember to include the Ultimate Love in your celebration too;
Jesus Christ, our Lord & Savior!

In the between though, here's trusting that you'll have a fantastic day.
One filled with Real Love, Absolute Joy and of course, Commercial Success.

Never did figure out how to monetize love, but for all you who write, paint, sculpt, draw, and/or perform, let this be the gateway to a much brighter 2012...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

In this new Season;

Sunday afternoon, and the service(s) @ River Valley this weekend reminded me that in the doing, in the actual serving for(of) the Lord,
and in all things Worthy & not just Noble appearing, lives Grace.

And me, I love Grace.
Love Mercy too!

But Grace reminds me that I can keep trying, even as I'm failing. For failure lives in the excuse(s), and not in the action of doing.

Plus, I love Verbs, and words that begin with the letter V.

Words like:


But I trust you see where this is leading...

Friday, February 10, 2012


"Reading through the Bible, one often gets the impression that those who people it weren't afraid to move about. Actually, then as now, a certain amount of travel is essential, and not just because merchants had to carry their goods across deserts and mountains to exchange with far-off neighbors, or that the pious wanted to make pilgrimages to holy places.

Often enough, Ambassadors needed to carry messages. Soldiers were required to march to war. And people, had to move their livestock to greener pastures.

And so, roads had to be built."

Odd then, as we've come forward as a people,
that so many stay in one place!

Monday, February 06, 2012

What is love?

Is it a connection unbroken, or, does it ever really need connecting?
Many people love through their work, others, through their friends and families.
And then, there is you.
A one in, upon, through, and because of,
Love is often defined and enveloped.
So on this day, maybe we've grown as close as we're designed,
or, maybe like rain, this day is just another reminder that same,
and change are real!

Sunday, February 05, 2012


Adjective: Not deterred by danger or pain; brave - willing - eager.
Synonyms: brave - bold - valiant - plucky - gallant - hardy

Of course in context, Super Bowl Sunday is an opportunity to shine as a Husband, Son, Father, Brother, or Friend by being the one man, who reminds the other men to maintain, and stay focused. That though, will require presence, and in the absence of courage, many a family will be in tears on Monday.

Have a good time today,
but keep it in perspective please...

Friday, February 03, 2012

Friday, and my new life begins.

"Luke 10:5 Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’
6 And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you. 7 And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages."

Thanking Jesus, and my Lovely Mother for their work and continuous prodding and interceding on my behalf! Life gets more exciting when you believe..

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I am impressed(inspired, encouraged, controlling the urge, as it were) but hey, that's how Saturday(Sunday) should be..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It isn't always obvious;

"Wednesday is often referred to as "hump day" because of its position as the middle day of the work week. If the work week were a hill, then Wednesday would be the crest. For it's all down hill from there. (Whether the down hill ride is a coast or a descent into a swamp is left to the individual.)"

On this Wednesday, me, I've yet to decide...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Morning;

And though I'm still reading words written the day before, my day break is nonetheless moored in the truth that not everyone can believe in reality the way I do. Which, is the true blessing, except, when it's not!

So, Newt is the Next Great Hope?

In this, I am relieved, and terrified.

But you know, last night I saw the movie Courageous, over @ RVCC and the thing that struck me deepest, was that I was raised by my father, and in that, being different isn't always the liability others believe it to be. It takes a whole person, to raise another whole person. 

Two broken people are not a family, nor are mothers disqualified either, but having a man to offer up examples, helped me for sure...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Healthy relationship ingredients include:

Loving without fear.
Trust without always wondering.
Being there(for them), without restrictions.
And then, accepting another, without wanting to change them completely.

Many of the things we desire in this life are just a pure expensive. But the truth is, the things that really satisfy us are totally free. Like; Love, Laughter, and Friendship(and family).

As it unfolds, seek to live more as yourself, and less of their vision of you!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King, Jr.

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns, to the broader concerns of all humanity."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

There needs to be more rules:

Everday reminds me that I am indeed not employed by the FBI;
for, I am a card carrying member of the CRI!

Conditioned(to) Resist Idiots.

And I like that too...

Friday, January 13, 2012
"A poem I wrote to highlight the difference between Jesus and false religion."

 Words are the Reality that heals, not steals!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rumors and Mummering(s);

Afternoon Universe,

Though it comes as no surprise to me that instead of voicing their own complaints and observations, people are chatting in homes as to why my mother isn't in attendance here presently. She has been sick for over a month, and it seems to me, that if people were interested in her welfare, they would have stopped by her home and inquired(?)!

Nonetheless, some are dissatisfied by their experience(s) here @ CCGP and instead of collectively addresses these things, people vote with their feet! Big Deal. Whether Board Members, Volunteers, Friends or Family, people come and go within a body for reasons that they themselves have to resolve, and under no circumstances are we, the Christians of record here in this valley to use that to stir up the pot, or, to posit our own grievances in their wake.

Me, well yes, I too am not pleased with the decisions made by board here, but, I have chosen to serve through the darkness nonetheless. Will that eventually end(?), for sure it will, but, it won't be some shocking(murmur-able) development, hence my resignation @ the 1st. Family Meeting in August. For as I walk about this town and see the "church" wounded, I have no desire to become yet another causality of inter church politics, or for that matter, some avoidable split, and as strange as this may seem to you(all), I am actually a friend of Denny Stahl. Not Pastor Denny the myth, the legend, but the human being. A husband to Vickie, the father of grown children, and the grand father to four little ones!
So check the, this is about him quotes.

Please though, as this all shakes out, whosoever is leaving, and whoever is staying, that is between our God and that individual. If possible, should we discover(or uncover) anyone making a decision in this arena, let's respect them enough to not use that information as a catalyst to undermine whatever remnant rebuilds where they(the departed) have previously Worshiped.

Just a thought...

Sunday, January 08, 2012

For me, Sunday(the whole weekend actually)

reminded me that in His Love, the reality of service is contained in His compassion, and the willingness to extend that compassion to others, which is why we were created!

To always just have excuses, or to just say, it's not in His will, when the truth is that you're too afraid to do any other than just what's asked of you, well, how can you step out in faith, if you can't even step past yourself?

Just saying;

A title is a prefix or suffix added to someone's name to signify either veneration, an official position or a professional or academic qualification.

Leadership though, that requires action!

‎"When I turn to You:

You are always waiting
With a heart that understands before I speak
And I learn from You
All that really matters
Though a million years go by You'll still love me
I no longer look for a place to hide
Cause I know where I belong

When I turn to You;
Dear Lord…"

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Great Examples of Faith;

Hebrews 11:5 It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying—“he disappeared, because God took him.”a For before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God.

6And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. 7It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. By his faith Noah condemned the rest of the world, and he received the righteousness that comes by faith."

Having faith though is hard to do when all you see, is contained within what you have no more need of! And yet, even in that season, having faith we must, if we're ever to turn away from what we know is incorrect, and towards that which we perceive as truly real.

Just saying.