Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm glad you asked it that way;

Me, I’ve been living as usual. Working @ the church, we’re I’m(in no real order) IT support, developer of the Singles Ministry, 1st. Friday events coordinator, and head up the Broadcast ministry(not that you’ve listened online), and a few times a month, I’m singing with one of the worship teams.

Of course, I have my (ir)regular jobs coaching, which as I cut back, frees up for more service @ the church, but, it does keep me grounded to a more global reality, which being a bon vivant @ heart, you need around here. Plus, my family owns a property management company that serves Jackson & Josephine counties, and as my mum ages, I’ve been doing more of the project managing, but, I do find to write, cook, entertain, walk the river ways, and think of you, so I think, all & all, I have no legitimate complaints!

So, in order to answer, what I believe is the root question(s), yes, I do see people in the real, as it were, and yes, the guest house is open to most travelers, but, I am not interested in what I can readily find, for in that, what would be the joy?

Life is about living in the now(cave men had no time for planning), exploring the vistas that surround us all, and of course, breathing deep enough, to expel all the dead air within us, and breath afresh!

You, you need not live that way, but as for me and my house, life is a precious gift, that when its gone, regrets are not what worries us….

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Origin: 1375–1425; late ME < L obsequiōsus, equiv. to obsequi(um) compliance (obsequ(ī) to comply with (ob- ob- + sequī to follow) + -ium -ium ) + -ōsus -ous

Obsequious has the root sequus meaning "to follow", and so an obsequy is the last duty performed for a person after their death, while an obsequious person is someone who "follows after" or is eager to be a follower;

Me, oddly enough, I meet people who are emotionally dying all the time, and it seems to me, that lately(the after Bush Year), I've walked far more back from the brink than usual, and no, I don't usually count, but my accountant reminds.

Anyhoo, me, how is it that I have no one to follow, or for that matter, the desire to follow another? Seems weird in that, why me Lord, kind of a way, but reversed!

The only way I can describe is to admit, that I now understand why some very powerful men have a strong desire for demanding wives, they crave someone else making the decision other than themselves!

Like cheap Spanish Champagne, I know this craving will displease me soon, but for the recurring moments that it's with me, I'm reminded that the reason why I put so much time into the radio station( is that out there somewhere, is someone who needs to hear what's being broadcast, and if I'm called to serve in that way, I need to be about it!

It means that I don't always have to lead, and that I surrender to the reality, that in order to do so affectively, I have to submit myself, to Him, who does...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Just to clear it up(for myself) then;

Honestly, I'm never mad when I should be, just as I am never sad, just because it looks like I might want to be. For myself, I choose life, and in that, I choose to live my life more abundantly! You, you may be mad, or glad, happy or sad, about the decisions you've made, and in that, I may have some part to play.

But in this, I am just responsible for me.

I live, I love, I invite, reject, console, offer condolences, and stay connected to those who respect the limits of our engagement, anything less than that dignifies disrespect, and why would I want to do that, when I'm the one that made the choice to allow you so close?

Friendship, like love requires an understanding.

Circumstances change, and relationships do too, but the disconnect that starts from not revealing the truth until after the choice has been made is not my fault, even when another states that they kept it to themselves, because they knew I wouldn't approve. Funny, if I know going in, what the consequence is, that usually keeps the mistakes to a minimum.

Anyhoo, I'm never turning away, as much as I get turned that way.

In that, I guess the lesson is be honest with me(and yourself), and that way, when you're in over your head, I'm not the one who misses your cry for help.


All these are the best answer to any question.
But you knew that...

Saturday, January 09, 2010

For all the men I knew in this year passing(3);

Anyone ever tell you why women are so complicated?

In the New Year, let this guide how you interact with your own woman, and any we may share as friends. Women, woman are generally credited with a much higher E.Q. (emotional intelligence) than us. And they also tend to have a greater awareness of other people, and emotions. In this way, women also tend to have greater access to their own wider range of emotions.

Whereas we will often complain about women thinking illogically (because 'logically' and 'rationally' is the only valid way to think- or so we often assume!) and going through mood swings, what we need to recognize is that we'd never want to be in a world populated only by men, because (oddly enough) we have emotions as well, and we usually only express them completely, in the company of Woman!

Women also give us greater access to this wider range of our own feeling, and it's through their expressed joy(s) and exultations, that we're pulled to even greater heights as human beings, just as it's through their sorrow and tears, that we explore our saddest depths.

This, if we're really honest about it, is what we like about them.

Anyhoo, this is why, in the New Year, I'm asking you(men) to put more attention and effort on what your lover wants; more attention on making her happy, as well as deeply contented with your presence in her life.

A Woman's life is enhanced and magnified through the experience of their partner, and though we rarely talk about this, when your relationship with this woman is over, the lack of an enhanced and magnified experience, is what makes it so hard for you, to replace her with a better woman.

For the last Jack(!), just like your self, has left his ex empty as well!

See how this can snowball? It's been said:
"The life of a man on his own, is predictable and black and white.
The life of a man with a woman is Technicolor and covered in glory."

But this is what I say:
In the New Year, be a man worthy of being connected to.
For the next woman you choose to try this with, may have had experienced less,
than she deserved before you!

And me, I'm still getting tired of righting all these wrongs…..

Sunday, January 03, 2010

You deserve to live your dream(w/out me);

When it all boils down; You deserve to live your dream.

The dream that you have held onto, for what seems like forever. You deserve a person who looks at you with adoring eyes, some one who understands when your mood changes, and then, changes again.

You deserve the one who Listens, & hears, Not only your words, but your heart!
Remember, you deserve to live your dream;

Wait patiently for the one who will dance with you, even when there is no music, that one who will read to you, even when there's no book. Singing your favorite song to you, although off key, in time, to your own special rhythm(s).
You deserve to live your dream;

Evenly yoked, unafraid not to pray, with you, and for you.
A one that has planned past all your schemes.
The one that will catch you, if you decide to lean back,
The one whose words are, transformed into your actions...

You, you deserve to live your dream(s), w/out me;

So, go into the New Year, and do not allow yesterday, nor yesteryear,
to cloud your judgment, dreams, and visions about tomorrow!

Just take care and make sure that you are prepared to receive that dream, you keep dreaming though. For it just might turn out to become your own self inflicted, nightmare!

Happy New Year nonetheless...