Friday, February 26, 2010

I've often wondered(​edited)

I've often wondered about the spell that you're under
And how the magic of your soul, can't see itself anymore

For to me, how can you love so deeply
without accepting that the pain, is all it'll produce

And yes, I've often wondered
How when the thorns only dig deeper still
Your only discomfort is the bitter weeping still to come

Me, I often wonder.....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines day card, you may not have received;

Everyday is the same for me, in that I love as much as I can, as often as I'm able, for to me, without love, what's the value of the day anyway? Nonetheless, on this day, wishing that the distance(s) wasn't so dividing, I offer you peace, and a warmth that will last longer than we've known each other, so far...

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Not that this is what'll happen to You;

But me, I choose to believe in Love.

The kind that is real now, and the kind that becomes so, after time... though, as the night comes back around, and the candles flicker as the chocolate disappears, please, consider this one aspect of the holiday to come; will you, and how much should you, feel regret for what you'll accept, just to have something to talk about on Monday?

Not that I'm being pessimistic, for I Love Valentines day, the flowers and the poems, seem sweeter when so many get to share. But for me professionally, the weeks thereafter are my 2nd. busiest time of the year, do to all the wholes found in hearts that knew better, but wanted to live in the moment, and not themselves!

Anyhoo, be blessed as you go tonight and tomorrow, and remember, not unlike the Easter Bunny, Cupid is just another way to justify an up-tick in consumer activity, not some celestial happening that flows abundantly.

You, you need to be the same woman on Tuesday, as you are today. Otherwise, you'll be on my couch in that position that costs the most, and not that one, that pays the greatest dividends....

Friday, February 05, 2010

Reality is ugly, but that, I think is the point!

Giving, and seeking, and striving, and measuring, are all conceits that lead to nothing. Just as love isn't something to be meted out, or placed upon a scale, we, in our worldly view(s), we lose sight of the essential beauties around us, because of all the comparatives.

Plus, I like the Harlequin Romance fantasies!

Life is as simple as breathing, and when we treat it that way, we have less waste, less fraud, less abusive experiences. Which is why accepting what it is, is so much easier, than making it, what it's not. Love, and get it over with! Start with the kid who bags your groceries. Allow yourself the freedom to accept, and endure, without perfection, and your heart, as well as your spirit, will breath easier...