Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the new week;

In the new week;

Why not try a new approach?
If you know me, you'd know, that fear isn't my constant companion. Sure, I'm not invincible, but that's not a reason to do things out of fear!

In the new week, try being beautiful, while not thinking about sexy. Eat, w/out thinking past meeting the need to exist.

Rationally, we know when we're not being ourselves, or, being true to our own objectives,
and/or standards, and yet, we compromise.

In the new week, think this thought:
What if, all that I wanted, was actually mine?
Would you be in place, where you could experience it in the full?

Lottery winning$ won't emotionally change your life.
Just as torrid sex with another, who you knew didn't really want you, wasn't ultimately all that satisfying, or edifying for you either!

In the new week, remember that we're not children anymore.
Except for you, but you're woman enough to grasp this;

This, is actually it!

Never land, didn't work out for Micheal Jackson, and you're not going to get that close to the sun anyway. Make the best out of what you know to be real, and in the new week, you'll see a different horizon, experience a real rainbow, grow flush, and still be dressed.

And in the new week, love yourself.
That'll play itself forward....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yesterdays past;

Was it really all those years ago
when we were, what we're not today?

It feels just like yesterday
that I was remembering your laugh
and how I loved to feel it within me.

In remembering your smile now
and how it glowed against the night sky
I recall a perfection in all that
my mind had made of you.

I even remember your perfect little lips
and how you were always trying to kiss me with them.

But then that was the problem, wasn't it?
That's why we stopped being friends.

Somewhere amidst all the fun we were having,
love for your potential grew within my heart,
but I always was bumping up against the You,
that you, were never going to blossom into.

I didn't tell you, but you knew anyway,
and in that, you learned to withdraw from the power
of my presence upon your present,
and yet, still
each time you fell,
my phone still rings,
the inbox(s) explodes.

get needlessly trampled under the Farenhieght.

Yet, Ms. yesterday;

Though I wish things could have been different for you,
Just as we've both wished you wouldn't run away, again.
Life isn't a series of yesterdays to live today within...