Wednesday, December 31, 2008

For all the men I knew in the year passing;

Anyone ever tell you why women are so complicated?

In the New Year, let this guide how you interact with your own woman, and any we may share as friends. Women, woman are generally credited with a much higher E.Q. (emotional intelligence) than us. And they also tend to have a greater awareness of other people, and emotions. In this way, women also tend to have greater access to their own wider range of emotions.

Whereas we will often complain about women thinking illogically (because 'logically' and 'rationally' is the only valid way to think- or so we often assume!) and going through mood swings, what we need to recognize is that we’d never want to be in a world populated only by men, because (oddly enough) we have emotions as well, and we usually only express them completely, in the company of Woman!

Women also give us greater access to this wider range of our own feeling, and it's through their expressed joy(s) and exultations, that we're pulled to even greater heights as human beings, just as it’s through their sorrow and tears, that we explore our saddest depths.

This, if we’re really honest about it, is what we like about them.

Anyhoo, this is why, in the New Year, I’m asking you(men) to put more attention and effort on what your lover wants; more attention on making her happy, as well as deeply contented with your presence in her life. A Woman’s life is enhanced and magnified through the experience of their partner, and though we rarely talk about this, when your relationship with this woman is over, the lack of an enhanced and magnified experience, is what makes it so hard for you, to replace her with a better woman.

For the last Jack(!), just like your self, has left his ex empty as well!

See how this can snowball?

It's been said:

"The life of a man on his own, is predictable and black and white.
The life of a man with a woman is Technicolor and covered in glory."

But this is what I say:

In the New Year, be a man worthy of being connected to.
For the next woman you choose to try this with, may have had experienced less, than she deserved before you!

And me, I’m getting tired of righting all these wrongs…..

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday, finds me on the road again;

Different valley,
same white lines,
and yet;
something’s different.

Having the time,
having the option
to exploit the permission,
this road seems clearer.

You know,
where I come from
the Holidays
after the 1st.

For you then,
be at peace
with yourself;
while you decide if I should!

In the between,
the road to there seems long,
but I've noticed in my travels
time never takes as long
as it should.

Might be the vistas
could even be the rhythm of the road.

if we don't travel past ourselves
then how does the journey end?

For me then,
I find peace within.

Even after I've decided
not knowing,
is the worst
trip of all!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Remembering the day;

For Love, love can not be held in a box,
nor wrapped in foil and topped with a bow.

But love,
love can come with a smile,
and in the spirit of the season,
I'm sure you are now!

Love, like a real friend
Never forgets…

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Power of a Man;

"A man has the power to love a woman in a way that she has never been loved before, and yet, hurt her with the same intensity!

A man has the power to treat a woman like his queen, then turn around and make her wish she was never born.

A man has the power to make a woman cry with happiness and joy, then turn around, and make her cry, with hurt and anger.

A man has the power to let a woman feel free and wanted, and then, with just a word, feel disgusted and unworthy.

An unreal man has the power to look a woman in her face, and tell her how much he loves her, but turn around, and sleep with her best friend.

A man has the power to make you fall in love with him within days, and then hate him within minutes!

A man has the power to change a woman from having no goals, to living out the goals he has established within her. A man has the power.

Within this power,
life was thus created!

And destroyed!

For power requires your cooperation and love,
in order to stay within the limits of reason.

And very few men have had that......

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Hands;

Open the curtains of your being and
Clothe you into a further nudity.

My hands
uncover the dimensions of your body
And restore its regal purpose.

My hands
invent another body for your understanding
For in knowing me, your body becomes new.

Which in all honestly,
is just another way of saying
breath and be whole!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

"I was wondering;

have you realized that life will allow you to discover its one true purpose, if you take just a minute of your time, to find contained within another, all the things, you've yet become?"

I was wondering too over the weekend, what is it that makes an absolutely incredible sexual partner, from another men's perspective? Listening, as I often do, it seems her willingness to experiment, and to do some of the things he wants is a huge plus. But we also know that an attractive face and figure doesn't hurt either, though, most men aren't really that choosey.

However, I believe that the thing that makes a woman the most rewarding, and fulfilling as a sexual partner for a man, is her ability to experience pleasure! If a woman can orgasm consistently (and ideally somewhat vocally), I feel a deep sense of satisfaction in having been able to please her. I'll go even further and say that given a choice between my own orgasm with a woman who is not enjoying the sex, and not coming with a woman who has multiple orgasms and is eternally pleased, nine times out of ten I would choose the latter!

To me, this sexual example illustrates a fundamental principle of successful relationships, which is that: men are most happy when pleasing their woman, more so when the woman is responding in a way that enhances that mans understanding of her pleasure.

Of course, if I told you the dream argument and make up that prompted me to write this, you be wondering why I like yellow and black, or for the matter; no wonder you'd say, after I mentioned the midnight snack of left over Chinese food which preceded the events in the dream, but that's always another reason to write!

Anyhoo, it's impossible to feel pleasure, to experience real bliss, when the person your with isn't as happy as you are. So if your immediate relationships are not working as well as you like; check the temperature!

Another's fear(s), contained in being pleased, and your own disappointments surrounding your misunderstanding of them, might be the reason.

Me, I Love 'cause I need love in order to grow and flourish.

You, if you're living without love, have you ever considered the cost?

Just wondering……