Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In the days of lost jobs and less money;

Some people, in all honesty, are wonderful partners when everything is going well, but, when things get turned inside out, these very same people turn into quite the selfish beings, when things take a turn for the worse.

You, you may be enjoying your partner while he or she is happy in the moment, but be honest, don’t you truly just want to get away from, and/or even yell not so passionately this time, at your partner when he or she is giving you a hard time?

And yes, I am leading this into what is sometimes accepted as: the “fair weather” friend. Which, oddly enough, is not what a partner is supposed to be for you, and yes, if I hear one more insipid reference to the “friends w/benefits” scenario, trust me, I will not be happy!

Get a grip!

It's a fact that sometimes your partner will take an emotional dump, that is, he or she will be unhappy about something, and to you, it doesn't look like it will be over in just a few minutes!

You, you may want to improve or fix this situation for them, and that can, sometimes work.However, another approach is to allow the moment to pass, without your participation. Sure, you should support them, remembering what you love about them, and stay centered and content within that love you have for them, and, know that they will bounce back.

In fact, you holding a centered space can help them bounce back!

In contrast, going “down with them”, getting unhappy too, buying into their sad story or getting angry, may of course just make things worse. I mean, the whole point is that They want you to go “down” with them, hoping of course that you’re not aware of the following little known fact: Sometimes people want to take an emotional dump!

And sometimes, they will want company.

And oddly enough, if you’re willing to enjoy your partner, and be with him or her when a “down cycle” hits; that is, to go down with him or her, it can be a very intimate thing. Obviously, you wouldn't want to do this all the time.

Yet, sometimes, it's a gift to your partner to allow them to have their pity parties, but NOT to go down with them. Sometimes it's best to stay “UP”, and hold the space for when they are ready to feel better. But for a change, you might try rejecting this downward plunge into an emotional abyss with them, consciously knowing, that when they are looking to go down or have a bad time, your most important role, is to maintain your own sanity, for in that way, your maintaining yourself.

Love is not how badly I can be treated,
Nor is it how low I’ll go to keep you!

Love is about comfort and stability.

Love is about caring and commitment.
Love, therefore is also about reality!

And in being real, love is not about allowing another to wreck your joy.

You, you be blessed, and be(come) a blessing to others.

Never forgetting that in this life,
Joy is not a given;

Nor should it be something easily consumed by another!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Two hearts that share emotions are indeed two souls so close, they touch.
Two spirits so joined from within, one to the other
that each soars upon the energy, released from just the other.


Reflecting on a connection that's grown,
two hearts, now, learning to beat as one.

The sweetest memories of times together,
leading into moments, never to be undone.

Reflections of our early days,
not unlike children that grew too fast.

Reflections of our endless potential,
for a Valentine's Day Love,
that would actually last.


Living without fear,
tomorrow; living without the regret of tears.

Tomorrow; learning just to live
For within this, friendships become love
As in this, lovers will forever remain friends…

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Break up, break downs(edited):

In the beginning(s), God had created man, who the subsequently finding himself alone, realized that he should have a companion. Seeing this, God was kind enough to craft from the man, Woman. Another who from within the man, could stand with him and complete his life from the opposite, and/or at least internal point of view.

Marriage thus was consummated!

Oddly enough though, marriage, just like the seasons, has changed recently from what a man needed, and is often no longer a real union of the souls, as it is a contractual agreement between the partners. Question then, do not geese have a life long partner?

Why then should a Woman not have the same?

Is she not as capable, as steadfast, as a bird?
Are not men able to put aside their worldly ambitions and seek to hold dear the ambitions spoken and honorably contained in their vows and thus should be commitments towards their wives? If then, "to have and to hold" is not a slogan, then, it must be an attainable goal. For to come full circle in my own thought(s), the goal should be consummated with another, not just someone outside myself.

The goal of marriage was supposed to be; the relinquishing of your will, to the power and strength of another, and so to achieve this goal, consideration must be given to the one with whom you seek to wed; Is he a believer in the premise of marriage, or just a one wanting to hold you within the framework of a relational contract. As for the woman, does she posses the desire to see you through the ages, or only a one seeking that which is good and safe in the now?

Marriage, oddly enough is about forever.
Forever my man.
Forever your woman.

Anything less than that is not a genuine marriage at all.
Anything less than that is actually just another relational construct for the here and now, not tomorrow and always. Which could be good too, but not for the reason you were crafted from within me though!