Saturday, April 19, 2008

Learning to let go of emotional burdens:

One of the most liberating tools for empowering your life is learning to let go.
We carry so many burdens with us, from our childhoods throughout our lives.

We carry hurts and wrongs that were done to us.
We carry regrets about things we wish we had or hadn't done.
We hide these memories, but the anger and hurt and regret
can influence the way we think and interact without our even knowing it.

Living in the Now:

We often forget to live while we're living, because we're focusing on something that we wish to be. Or we're worried about something that lies ahead, and it distracts us so that we don't seem to be able to accomplish anything or get any closer to where we want to be. The key to living a life of peace is to set our sites on where we want to be, but focus on where we are NOW, and take each step, moment by moment.

Learn from the past, plan for the future:

The past is past. The future will come when it comes.
We are here in the present. We can learn from the past.
Where we can, we can try to mend the bridges in our lives -- the relationships with the people who are a part of our lives. But where there is nothing we can do, we have to let it go.

We have to let ourselves live, free of the burdens of guilt, and regret and anger.
We can plan for the future, but we must live in the present and let go of anxiety and worrying about what might be.

Change what we can:

let go of what you can't change my friend, so as to free your self for what is to come!
Learning to see the difference between things that we can change and things that we can't,
is the first step to letting go and freeing our inner selves.

Emotions can be red flags or red lights:

Guilt, regret, anger and anxiety can sometimes help us to see things in our lives that need to be fixed and changed and worked on. But they are useless emotions when they paralyze us. They are useless when there is nothing that we can do to heal them. When they are useless, we need to let them go.

Learning to tell the difference:

We can learn to figure out when our emotions are trying to tell us something useful, or when they're causing us to lose track of what's important. The first step is to slow down, and find that place of peace inside. Then examine what exactly it is that you're angry or sad or anxious about. What would it take to make it right? Is there anything that you can do about it now? Is there anything you can do about it at some other time? If not, let it go. If so, set a new course.

Redirecting your focus:

When we find our emotions have led us to a fork in the road, we can refocus and redirect the paths we have chosen to walk. What path can we take to lead us towards making whatever is wrong right? It helps to write down our thoughts and concerns and resolves. It helps to keep our focus on the paths we choose, and to let go of paralyzing emotions until the time when they can be resolved, and to concentrate on the moment at hand.

In the between though:

Feel free to choose me as a one that you call.
For within me, is more than just the answers you seek,
but also the unspoken questions you've yet to fully consider...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Coming back into the Valley;

I was reminded that the universe has always had an ear for my heart:

"Lights go out and I can..t be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against put me down upon my knees

Oh I beg, I beg and plead, singing
Come out of things unsaid,
shoot an apple off my head and a
Trouble that can..t be named,
tigers waiting to be tamed, singing

You are, you are
Confusion never stops,
closing walls and ticking clocks, gonna
Come back and take you home,
I could not stop,
that you now know, singing

Come out upon my seas,
curse missed opportunities, am I
A part of the cure, or am I part of the disease, singing

You are, you are, you are, you are
You are, you are

And nothing else compares
Oh no nothing else compares
And nothing else compares
You are (in background)

Home, home,
where I wanted to go,
Home, home, where I wanted to go,

Home, home, where I wanted to go,
Home, home, where I wanted to go."

Clocks: by Cold Play

Just as I thought it, there it was to reinforce my reservations about you.