Saturday, December 31, 2011

On the eve, of the new:

Begin the day with purpose, and please, don't end it in ruin. In the between of this, and the New Year, make no false promises to yourselves, but allow for a fresh start nonetheless, in this, maybe the New Year will matter...

"And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied: Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way."

Minnie L. Haskins

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation. Concurrence: cooperation, as of people or causes; combined action or effort(s).

One, obviously is similar to the other, but, each require a greater sense of desire, and an obvious lack of fear in order to enjoy more completely. As for me, well, fear has not really been a close friend of mine over the years, and desire, well, in that, you'd need to read my other post(s)....

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Know You more;

The storms will come and go
There's laughter and there's pain
Your kindness leads me on
To the light again
So I live and breathe
And find myself in You…

Friday, December 09, 2011

1 Corinthians 1

"1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."

And as humans, friendship is never a guarantee of Love, and yet, He is Love, and that's more than enough for us both...

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Psalm 90:12

"Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

And just because Prayer is often the only true answer: 
Please Lord, teach us to number our friends as we grow in Your Love, so that we give our hearts with greater wisdom as well Dear Jesus..

Friday, December 02, 2011

Prince; singing about Jesus in Las Vegas!!

"I knew this dude/He was very cool
He used 2 rule/Until he went 2 school

Not a normal school/That breeds a fool
But the ones that teaches/Men aren't fit to rule

That's when he took his pearly crown/He raised it up and spun it 'round
And tossed in 2 the deep blue underground

No longer lead by the ways of men/He looked 4 the kingdom deep within That's when the drums in his head began 2 pound

Don't let nobody bring u down
Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father
Will bring the Everlasting Now/Join the party, make a sound Share the truth, preach the good news Don't let nobody bring u down/The Everlasting Now"

Thanks Pamelynne, 
I knew this would come in handy...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

And no, that was not my intention(s) at all:

1 COR: 4There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Some people surprise you(not);

"Once you go black, you're a single Mom"

Well, not unlike Thanksgiving, and Independence Day, there are so many ways that some people(s) use words and phraseology to twist and distort the reality for their own aims, and lack of a personal reality and/or integrity!

Me, no mistaking the fact(s) that I live in a place where the other is anyone that doesn't fit the profile, and yet, we're still feeding the homeless down @ church, just as when I go to collect the rent in a few days, the # of able bodies "men" with HUD stipends will make any urban dwelling single mom envious.

What's the answer? Well, of that I'm still not sure. But along the road to this new world order, you can be sure that I'll be working on turning over as many tables as it takes to rid the conversation of wasteful words and sick vanities...

Monday, November 28, 2011

After the dishes are washed;

Thanksgiving and those unrealized moments of relationships colliding all around us, and still, we wander, as if this to is a reality that matters. Weird!

Letting it be thus, that's not always the way I seek surrender(ing). More than a falling back upon or into it, I like surrender that moves forward, arches its back, and comes right into itself. Like a wave, crashing upon a reef, or, an eagle in a rain storm, flying, flying, flying ever higher, not focused on the rain, or the wind, just knowing that where it's headed and why, are what propels the flight. That steady flapping of its wings..

Holidays(to me) were meant for love and honesty, caring and the expressing of something other than those tin hearted smiles that you use so often to get through another day. So, this Holiday, care some, or at least say that you don't. It will go down better for those asking you to pass the potatoes, if for a change, you were at least more real than the gravy..

Yes, I do edit!

Words, words are like leaves actually;

Leaves, though similar in shape, color and composition are as unlike as the stars still glowing above us right now my friend. Words too, though they look similar, sound somewhat familiar, like leaves, they are nonetheless as different as those that have fallen behind us, and the ones due to bud around us next spring.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Words, words are like leaves actually;

Leaves, though similar in shape, color and composition are as unlike as the stars above us now. Words too, though they look similar, sound somewhat familiar, even those that come from within lips you've listened to before, well, they're just not the same Charlotte.

And the sooner you get past having your ears tickled and your heart exploded, the richer and more meaningful life you're seeking, will be yours to enjoy.
Me, I just wanted to share that before the snow(s) started falling...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Later that same day!

So, there's my mother(figuratively speaking) demanding some space just to say what if(!), and some boot licking civil service drone pepper sprays her! I mean, it's not as if she looked menacing, she's a 4' 10" ball of fury now, but then, she was just my mother(!), up off the couch, asking for some dam space!

What's the Universe coming to, when my mother can't even protest?

Edited for continuity and Grace:

"If you examine how God delivered Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abenego, it might give you some insight into how your own deliverance will come about.

For God did not deliver them out of the furnace;
HE delivered them within the confines of the furnace! And, they came out without a hint of sear or smoke; just like you're going to be delivered from those trials that bind you still, when you finally decide that you need
Him to perfect your own coming out!"

Come out, come out, where ever you are...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Everyone asks about you;

Me, I just tell them that that when
the mix tape drops, it'll answer itself:

“But when you left, I stopped to reflect,
stopped to repent

Stopped to drop every extent of my descent
So maybe you'd see the better person I present
Maybe someday my love will make you content
And maybe someday I'll make a fucking dent

In this wall between us that seems to go on forever
But I'll never stop trying, ever,
cuz I never was lying

When I spared every breathe in my lung
Just telling myself to hold my tongue”.....

Jonathan Gitsy Durham

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Mask of Anarchy

"And these words shall then become
Like Oppression's thundered doom
Ringing through each heart and brain,
Heard again - again - again -

Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number;
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you,
Ye are many;
they are few!"

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Sunday then has broken well into the afternoon, and in all the things I needed, and all the people whose needs were met, I feel better for sure. Thanks to the Brothers who chose the Widow over more blind guidance, and of course, big love to those who know the difference between power and might!

Me, I'm moving across the valley, coming closer, or stepping further away. You'll have to let me know what it feels like when it's over...

Monday, November 14, 2011

A dear one offers this to consider:

Anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet.
Anything that angers you is "for"
teaching you forgiveness and compassion.
Anything that has power over you is "for"
teaching you how to take your power back.
Anything you hate is "for"
teaching you unconditional love.

Anything you fear is "for"
teaching you courage to overcome your fear.
Anything you can't control is "for"
teaching you how to let go and trust the Universe.

- Jackson Kiddard, author, scamp; polymath.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

What if,

In Church(yours/mine),
you could have a good time?

And now it’s time to make a change;
Revolution day!

Put it into action live compassionately
You take the black and the white
Red yellow brown
Life gets better
It just gets better when we look around,
and see all of humanity.

Waiting on someone,
(that)Someone, is you and me.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Okay, I admit it,

I was wrong too!

Next time though, I promise that I'll choose the reality of it all, over the depth of the relationship. The message, over the messenger, the truth, over any one mans lack of integrity.

And please, sometimes even I need to be reminded that a healthy sheep isn't just good for the sacrifice, for like the body @ large, we all need love and honest shepherding as well..

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Tuesday reminds me that there is so much more deception than we're able to consume and deflect, and yet, even in knowing that, we still hide(from) the truth.

Why is that? 
Are we more afraid of loosing our place in line, than our piece of mind?

Or are we just so beyond caring about reality, that we're willingly leaving a world of inequality and injustice to our children, as if it's a gift they'll cherish?

Not that I'm perfect, far from it.
Nor am I even seeking perfection.

Today, I'll settle for a hug and a little honesty.
For now I know how it feels to be a woman. 
And I don't mean that as anything other than the obvious clue(!).

My Sisters, I apologize!
My brothers, be glad I'm not young enough to come over there..

Friday, October 14, 2011

A new Reality exist:

"Until now, fury at the plutocracy and the political class had found no channel to run in but the antigovernment fantasies of the Tea Party. Now though, it has dug a new channel. Anger does not move countries, but it moves movements — and movements, in turn, can move countries.

To do that, movements need leverage.

Even Archimedes needed a lever and a place to stand to move the world. When Zuccotti Park meets an aroused liberalism, the odd couple may not live happily ever after.

But they can make a serious run at American dreams of “liberty and justice for all.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Say it loud!

In all that I do, and in most that I think, I'm always attempting to demonstrate that in the absence of unity, there really isn't any true salvation!

Whether its in unity with our Lord, or unity with other believers, and yes, unity with all the Brown Skinned among us!

Imagine the power of the Lord, channeled through the pulpits, and undergirded with the same faith and power we expend on the Super Bowl.

What a wonder that would be! Enough separation, enough selfishness, enough!

Saying it LOUD; I am Black(Brown, Red, Yellow, or Human), and I am Proud...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Living then is more than breathing, or acquiring, or protecting even. For living is contained in being present in your own life, and the lives of others, even those that you do not love fully!

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them, humanity cannot survive.”

Right here, right now, is our life.
Let's embrace it while we live...

Monday, October 10, 2011


Friday dawned like a promise unspoken, and even in the shroud of fog and the day ahead, it feels better somehow today! The troubles are just beginning of course, and with a healthy dose of honesty and introspection, this season will pass, just as the last, and yet, will we be better this time?

Have we learned the lesson(s) from the last fall?
Or are we still too afraid to just seek good and wise counsel?

Questions for sure still too be answered.

But I'm missing my son again, and that can only mean that this hardening for the battle no longer is upon me, for He has now revealed His purposes in all this. All we need do now is act with the courage His Word has revealed! Me, I'm happier today, and I like that more than enough...

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

‎"Your time is limited,

So don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

Most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. I have always wished that for myself.

And now, I wish that for you." - Steven P. Jobs

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

What work are you doing?

In the absence of a clear reality, we not only hurt ourselves, but we can devastate those who are counting on us, to lead them through! In this, I think I hear that verse:

2 Tim 2:20 "In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."

Saturday, September 24, 2011

With an honorable nod to TD Jakes:

Try not to confuse people who love What you do, with the people who love Who you are!

Being a one whom others respect and enjoy being around is a different position, than to just be the one whom your sycophant(s) and others, have grown to fear and venerate.

Performance based love always evaporates eerily when the facts are no longer being ignored, and the truth is once again enjoyed!

Saturday finds me smiling.
Must be the Lords doing..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Here along the Rogue,

I am often reminded of the steep trails, and deep water gorges. Horses in the canyon, and white water whirl pools! Funny how even with all that, the calm of a cool valley morning is still very refreshing.

Which, when I thought about you this morning, thought about how life's full of surprises and oh so predictable, as we move across this plain, isn't it easier to be alone, than to be subject to the whims of another. And have we chosen that path of least resistance, as a road our own growth, or our own complacency?

Me, I like thinking, it's just another way to keep it fresh...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Anthony Nannetti 9-11

"How easy to capture the sound of the wind when the city was sleeping; to share these borrowed row houses with p
hantoms, pious and imperceptible, on streets where nothing can thrive in spite of us now.

Now our dreams, lacking sequence, are reassembled and layered to mirror the logic of our waking lives. We look to them for permanence, a way to sleep with doubt and to doubt the single certainty."

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


In my experience(s) some are really gifted with directness when they can self edit, and others, well, they are so direct that the force of their words are overwhelming! In the soft middle, there are those that are forward to shield a reserve that they’ve chosen out of(fill in the blank) to keep between themselves, & those that want to come closer.

Not knowing you, & keeping my mistakes to tripping, or over cooking the rice, I just thought it was best to ask what the difference was within you!

Friday, September 02, 2011

Endure, not procure!

I know, it's the last weekend of the summer, & your mind says to let it all out! But please, I(and others) love and will continue to need you as this life winds down, so when I read this, I was moved to share:

"1 Corinthians 10:13(ESV) No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, & he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A one posted:

"Why don't pennies really fall from heaven?"

Being myself, I submitted that the reasonable answer is: It's too long a descent? Yet, the somewhat overlooked, & thus, awkward response is; If we were really looking Up enough, then we wouldn't need no pennies!

But hey, it's Saturday, so don't let me distract you from yourself. Love though, like what Irene is doing back home, sometimes requires a freshening. Sure, some want less, other need more, me, well, I just want my portion..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happiness is a feeling(not);

Being in Redding CA. with the Senior Pastors yesterday, I learned a few things, & somethings were confirmed as well. Men, especially men with the power to change lives, often dislike change the most, & yet in some Men, the Love of & for the Lord is so pronounced, growth, change & stability are in abundance!

How strange is that?

As for me, and my house, we will seek to not just hold the line in the sand, or the salary in hand, but be witnesses in all the world, engaged in the promise(s)..

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quote of the day;

“It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens, but we, the whole people, who formed the Union … Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less.” – Susan B. Anthony.

This day(August 18th.) marks the 91st anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can't God use you

Cussing & Killing aside: "If Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer,

Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossip, Mary was a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody, Moses stuttered, Zaccheus was short, Abraham was old and Lazarus was dead?

What's your excuse?

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Yes Universe, this is upsetting,

but not for the obvious reason(s).

Crime(s) like this are common enough in the country because of the hate filled rhetoric people use so loosely about how they feel about the President, to Immigration, to Education, to this unwillingness to tax the rich, and give health care to those who need it most. Yes, the images are brutal, but so was the intent!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Demons do exist;

To choose the Bohemian lifestyle, or for that matter, to adopt the nonconformist banner, as a way to express your(own) individualistic, loner, lone wolf status, isn’t the same as attacking, or attempting to belittle the spiritual beliefs and/or institutions that others immerse themselves within.

Actually, to be a true enfant terrible (a usually young and successful(?) person who is strikingly unorthodox, innovative, or avant-garde), would require taking off the mask of whatever sub set, or counter cultural persona we wear, and strike out as ourselves, walking amongst those that we seek to dispossess, with our character as the counter balance, not the outrageousness of our dress, or our obvious lack of respect, being the only thing that’s readily apparent in our protest.

But it’s (1st.) Friday, and those are my personal thoughts on the idea of how best to make a loud noise, without scaring the small children amongst us(and she will sleep(again) through the night eventually)..

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Obama is just a man.

Thursdays come, & let me say that yes, please have a Happy B/Day Mr. President, you're a nice man, a swell dad, and an able husband.

The country though, is run by (white)men, who, when they see you, are reminded that all that came before, is now in the past, & in all honesty, they're not happy! The recession though, it started before I voted for you, & I'm not holding just you responsible for fixing it.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

No, not me'

I wasn’t born by the river in a little tent, & so, not like that river I’ve not been running' ever since. Though, with eyes wide open, I know it's been a long time coming & right now, I'm more than sure, a change's going to come!

So much isn't real anymore, & so many things are for real nonetheless, so to me, change is coming, and no amount of ideology twisting is going to stop this change from becoming reality.

Friday, July 29, 2011

I was like wow! I should have wrote this;

"Believing the dream till it stole mine
What about a dream where the people cry
For the healing of a land both soul and mind
What about a dream where the dream was changed
Not for change sake, but for the highest gain?"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thanks Wendy...

‎‎"We all need food, shelter, and love.
We all crave attention, recognition, and affection, and above all, HAPPINESS. Reflect on these commonalities you have with others, and ignore the differences...this is compassion.

Compassion is the key to true happiness in yourself and others.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I actually feel lighter;

"Did the Lord not say whatever is right I'll pay?
Did the Lord not say work while it is day?
Did the Lord not say He would take us away?

If I labor (oh yes) God is gonna give me a crown!
So I believe I'll work (work) in the vineyard
(for)The Sun is goin down…"

(Pop & Marvin Winans ad lib out)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yes, I did resign, but I still Love you all!

Just to clear the air, I still work for Jesus, and He still directs my energy and efforts within the Ministry. But just as His word states, we(the body of believers) are His Church, and no building, or particular grouping of chairs, does a House of the Lord make!

Me, everything I built, and all the processes I’m directing, I will continue to work diligently within, and, if the day comes when another seeks to take up the many responsibilities, I will be more than happy to relinquish them.

In the between though, me, I was fashioned for service. Not the conversation about service, nor the endless discussions surrounding how best to serve, but, actual service! And in that regard, that’s where I will always be.

My numbers won’t change, and with all due respect, neither will my friendships. But the time has come for the Men who Serve the Living God to do something other than attempt to not upset each other, and me, I refuse to watch the snails race any longer….

Worship Team this Morning

Some mornings, even knowing the blessing(s), it seems I get a little apprehensive nonetheless.

Which is the 2nd. reason why I always seek to live within Love. For without it, this, and many other morning would be a greater challenge indeed...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I don't fear it;

Ever had a friend that keeps a smile welling up inside of you? Well, I do, and sometimes, I need that smile more often than not.

"Thursday reminds me that it isn't the day,
as much as it is the purpose(s) placed within it!"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The reality of knowing yourself is understanding what truly makes you unique. 

For being different than everyone else is not always easy, especially if those within and around you do not recognize, or appreciate the things that make you, completely you!

"People often say that this or that one has not yet found himself. But the self is not something that one finds, it's something that one creates.
- Thomas Szasz"

Monday, July 18, 2011

VBS on my mind;

Sunday, though it roared in like a lion, unleashing the rains, and stirring the leaves again, there was more than just a little bit of peace surrounding the services this morning. With the prayer ladies undergirding each service with their supplications, even the most difficult, was handled accordingly.

And then God, being Himself, showed me Jonathan @ last. And in that, I was refreshed...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Such an emotional Month;

Saturday finds me on my way to church for the 6:00pm Service, and as weird as the rain(s) last night, I was thinking about Wisconsin. The quad on the Isthmus, the Big Lake in winter, & then, I remembered this song:

“The years brought the railroad, It ran by my door. Now there's boards on the windows, And dust on the floor. And she passes the time at another man's side, And I pass the time with my pride”

2 Corinthians 10:13  “We will not boast about things done outside our area of authority. We will boast only about what has happened within the boundaries of the work God has given us, which includes our working with you.”

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is(unconditional) Love?

"Unconditional love is a term that means to love someone regardless of the loved one's qualities or actions. The paragon of unconditional love is a mother's love for her newborn. Unconditional love is often used to describe the love in an idealized romantic relationship. It may sometimes also be used to describe love between family members, comrades in arms and between others in highly committed relationships.

Unconditional love in committed relationships (of any kind; business, personal, etc.) should never be interpreted to mean that an individual is required to (or should) remain in an abusive and dysfunctional relationship. One can still love someone unconditionally, but that should never be interpreted to mean that the 'victim' is required or should stay in the dysfunctional relationship."

And yes, our God can Love us with an unconditional Love, but, He is God after all. The rest of us, well, we have to admit that with friends, lovers, husbands, family members, our love is conditional.

Even you asked, hey, can't two people enjoy one another, like the other, and not try to change the other? And my answer is; yes, but, you'd have had worked that out as it began.

Me, I won't die daily underneath the absence of Love. Jesus did that, and that's not me...   

Comforting words

1 Cor 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And so it begins

Wednesday finds me wondering, how much do we over love our children? And yes, for those overly permissive parents, I get that I'm too concerned, too fearful of what I know the world is, and yet, having a child turn to the world, and away from the life that calls him repeatedly, well, it makes me worry.

Someone saw him though, so, at least I know he's near enough still...

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Contained within: The Power of His Name

”Surely children weren't made for the streets
And fathers were not made to leave
Surely this isn't how it should be
Let Your Kingdom come

Surely nations were not made for war
Or the broken meant to be ignored
Surely this just can't be what You saw
Let Your Kingdom come
Here in my heart

And I will live
To carry Your compassion
To love a world that's broken
To be Your hands and feet
And I will give
With the life that I've been given
And go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of Your name
The power of Your name

Surely life wasn't made to regret
And the lost were not made to forget
Surely faith without action is dead
Let Your Kingdom come
Lord break this heart

Jesus Your name
Is a shelter for the hurting
and Your name
Is a refuge for the weak
Only Your name
Can redeem the undeserving
Jesus Your name
Holds everything I need

And I will live
To carry Your compassion
To love a world that's broken
To be Your hands and feet
And I will give
With the life that I've been given
And go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of Your name

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Who writes like that?

Of course, Sunday was more for of the same, and now, days in, I’m still tired,
and yet, refreshed by all the effort(s)!

Can I say thank you though?

Would my words ever convey what I feel when I’m around you, listening to you, watching your talents blend with others? I mean yes, there’s this concept of (b)romance, and even that isn’t a word that does justice to how blessed I feel to have you in my life.

A new weekend approaches;

Tuesday, and it all went so well this weekend, as we(those that did) came together to lift up His name, and proclaim the Joy that exist only when friends, serve Him 1st.

In the distance though, between all those that had other commitments, and/or scheduling conflicts, my Love endures! Not just because we've come this far, but more for the miles we've yet to walk along together.

And I like that as well...

Sunday, July 03, 2011

My son adds his voice;

 "Why not sing songs of love unwritten?

With every soft breath in your lungs
Let the words dance from the tip of your tongue
Onto mine

When its just you and me
And the rhythm of the rain on the sand beneath your feet
On the man you see in me, saw in me
Can you let it be?"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Holiday? Celebrating what?

"In this era of expanding religious diversity & pluralism, a striking number of our fellow citizens are voicing their opinion that we are an exclusively Christian nation with little room for other faith traditions. I have often wondered if there is more to this attitude than a simple quest for religious purity." And yet, isn't that what freedom was all about? The right to raise & praise as we(you) choose?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Jonathan's Birthday;

Truly, like breath Love is an important part of it all, and yes, we often choose to love the one we think, others will want us to love, but one day, we move past the simplistic, and then, we'll love with our heart , and not through our eyes alone(good book by the way!)..

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wisdom is not on aisle 5

Thursday, and I've learned somethings this week too: Power isn't for those who use others. Position is just being in the right place, @ the right time(s), but, there often isn't enough wisdom to know when your time is up! 

Yes, God Provides, but sucking His provision from others, isn't very pretty to watch, or witness up close & personal like.

Worship @ Praise along the Rogue in 2 days though. Hope I see you there.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Completed thoughts(for the weekend);

In life, even without the veneer of false friendships and empty relationships, we, those that choose to be ourselves, our only Joy is discovered in the way that we maintain our integrity and Love, which, in all honesty is what He asked of us.

So yes, people will be on the rivers and beaches that connect us still, and yes, they may choose to prove themselves while under the influence of that which can be purchased, but we know better, seek higher, and as humans(not just beings) we don't judge, we just Love. Love with a hand, with a hug, with a word of caution if necessary, but more than anything else, we come home safe! 

Me, I'll be right here, not that you'll need me...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Seal: Commitment(the new album)

“The weight of my mistakes
Depends on how I feel
Don't let it bring you down

The weight of what I say
Depends on how you feel
But I don't want to bring you down

I went walking' down a busy street
I was looking' for a heartache
I went looking' for my heartache
She said, "Don't you want to be with me?"
Ooh, what a difference the day makes
What a difference the day makes

Lay on my pillow
Look on us now
One for today
Two for tomorrow

The weight of my mistakes
Depends on how I feel
But don't let it bring you down

Out in the distance coming' into view
Six feathers in a hurricane
But I didn't want to wake you
You're not familiar and I don't know why
Ohh, how beautiful the heartache

I got bogged down in a New York minute
I hear you say you gotta be in it to win it
Well, I don't know what this means
Well, I don't know what this means

And the weight of what I say
Depends on how you feel
'Cause I don't want to bring you down
(I don't want to let you down)

The weight of my mistakes
Depends on how I feel
But don't let it bring you down”

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday comes;

and here are my thoughts(for you):

Do you love?
Are you free to love again?
Can you let go of all those secluded worries and disappointments? Then forgiveness is within you to accept and enjoy forever!

Come then, the rain falls to cleanse and recharge the earth. Let it also cleanse your heart of that and those, for my hand is open to the future also..

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Observations in the distance:

"All over the world there are confused people, those who can't remember the name of their fears when they wake up, & the people who love God but can't seem to ever remember where He was when they went to sleep last night. 

It's all right though Love, for the Universe cleanses itself this way. A wrong number occurs to you in the middle of the night, you dial it, and it rings just in time to save the house called! And the second-story man gets the wrong address, this though is where the insomniac lives, & he's lonely tonight, so they talk, & the burglar decides to become a lock-smith. 

Even in graduate school, you'll wander into the wrong classroom, & hear great poems lovingly spoken by; the wrong professor! Weird I know, and yet, when you find your soul and that greatness has a natural defender, even in what seems like earthly death, you're actually safely contained in His Love more often than you realize."

Me, I just wanted to share that too...

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Good Friday Quote for us all to embrace

"There are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will need our unique talents.

Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give."

— Leo Buscaglia

Thursday, April 21, 2011


It really did mean more than just the 4th. day of this particular Easter week!

Today actually reminded me that sometimes, even when you know the answer, the question(s) might be the missing ingredient!

Which, is yet another reason why I'm always open to learning more, and never forming opinions without the facts. Kind of like your smile actually..

Life, it reminds me Universe, we're only provided so many chances to love another for a reason beyond our understanding. Even if we refuse to believe

Friday, April 08, 2011

Lunch had me thinking;

"You say you don't know,
how to do it now, So you run,
It's not that you're bleeding,
but you're through it now,
So you run, so you run,
I know that you need it,
can't live alone,
So you run, so you run...

Does anyone ask you?

If you cry in your sleep do you feel okay
When you run,
Thinking its doomsday,
you got to let it go,
So you run, so you run...

Pretend you don't see it,
that way we can live the lie,
when you run...
So you run.."

Zip Codes and the Wind within;

Isn't it just like the wind to stir things up,
when you're trying to be quiet?
For here we sit, each within different zip codes of this new life, doing our best to deny that it’s happening just like we willed it, and still, w/out any temptation to deny its reality.

Lights flicker up from the console, and no matter how wide she sings,
still, I can hear another’s voice pouring through me,
passed the audio adrenaline that permeates through this darkness
that I’m trying to dispel from within.

She sings; where is the freedom I’ve left behind,
And here I am wondering about gazebos and running water in my mind

In this room the heat pipes up past the breezes of her voice, and still there’s nothing that moves me past the rhythms generated between us.

Me, I should have called beautiful..

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Fishing and cleaning;

As an aside:
As my life continues to change... my soul aches for another kind of freedom! Freedom comes in many forms. It is an internal, emotional freedom that I seek to embrace & share!

During this life's new journey, I would like to actually "learn" the lessons I am presented with, then take that knowledge and share it with the world. I want to be someone who is aware of who they really are, and is okay with the reality of it. One that can appreciate imperfection, and truly see the beauty in it. One who is not afraid to be themselves, not afraid to love, not afraid to trust, for I long to be one with the Earth, to walk barefoot upon her beauty.

Me, I no longer see "life lessons" and challenges as obstacles, but rather as fuel that makes my growth faster and easier. Ideally, that's okay w/you.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Note to self(and others): God chose You!!

When David came in, God told Samuel; "he’s the one I have chose.” God wanted David 2 be king. David, the shepherd boy, the eighth son in a culture which gave preference to the oldest.

David from a family w/out wealth or influence in their tribe(1 Sam. 16:4,5; 18:18). The most unlikely candidate to be king, but God CHOSE David.

Why; "Because David was a man after God’s heart"

Saturday, March 26, 2011


"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president, for destiny isn't a chance set of circumstances! You act, therefore, you realize. You recline, and therefore you have nothing"

Pray, Seeking His guidance, and be in motion towards His will for your life.
All good things are realized in this way...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I like change!

Change, unlike Joy can be more than it's actually worth, and yet, so many seek it as an answer to an unasked question that lingers somewhere under self.

In Christ, we should see that He made us as He wanted us to be, wrinkles and all. And though we in the flesh may not always be pleased with His handiwork, what else is better, or more needful for this life?

Just wondering...

Monday, March 07, 2011


"There was a man - an inventor - who invented so well, He invented a fortune - for a man named Bell.

George Washington Carver, made the peanut great
Showed any man with a mind, could create.

You read about Malcolm X - in the history text
Jesse Owens broke records, Ali broke necks!

What's wrong with ya man?
How can you be so dumb?