"If you examine how God delivered Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abenego, it might give you some insight into how your own deliverance will come about.
Meshach, and Abenego, it might give you some insight into how your own deliverance will come about.
For God did not deliver them out of the furnace;
HE delivered them within the confines of the furnace! And, they came out without a hint of sear or smoke; just like you're going to be delivered from those trials that bind you still, when you finally decide that you need
Him to perfect your own coming out!"
HE delivered them within the confines of the furnace! And, they came out without a hint of sear or smoke; just like you're going to be delivered from those trials that bind you still, when you finally decide that you need
Him to perfect your own coming out!"
Come out, come out, where ever you are...