Thursday, May 29, 2008

Words for the weekend

Fill your moments with action,
and there will be little time left for worry.

Fill your moments with meaning,
and there will be little time left for despair.

Fill your days with discovery, and you will fill your life with valuable knowledge. Fill your hours with caring, compassion and respect,
and you will fill your world with love and friendship.

Fill your thoughts with positive possibilities,
and the best things in life will surely be within your reach.
Fill your words with encouragement and enthusiasm,
and you'll often find people and circumstances lining up in your favor.

Fill your efforts with purpose, persistence, diligence and integrity.
And your life will be filled with valuable achievements.

Fill your heart with a love of truth and goodness.
And your soul will be filled with the treasure of wisdom.

Your life is a most precious gift.

Fill every corner of it with the best that you can.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Love ends, and you breath again(trust me!):

How will I stand
If you turn out the light
That shines over me
And how will I live
If you take all the give
That you have given me

How will I love
If you take all the life
From out of me
Right from out of me

Tell me,
how will I live
If you take all the give
That you give to me

Love so fast
Yet still we remain'
Cause we'll live
And we giveToday

Tell me then,
how will I live
With anyone but you
With anyone but you?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Me, I'm not blaiming it you!

In all honesty, I do write every day, but it’s a habit that I don’t always release these words that are my crystallized thoughts for those moments.

Some see them, and others do not.
In this way, I feel safe.

And while I’m confessing these word related sins,
I sometimes neglect to even capture my written thoughts at all!

Even those that I know I should, but honestly, I remember them still.

On any given day then, a one will come to me, and inspired by our exchange, I’ll write something to them (or about them), but I won’t allow myself to save and/or share it with others, for not unlike my verbal expressions,
some of my written words can often go too deep as well.


Therefore, the reason why I’m saying all this, is that yes, I allowed a comment to remain posted (and no, I’m not saying it’s a new thing, or something that I’ll continue to let happen from others), but enough have noticed and then questioned me about it, that I thought it was best to offer an explanation now, then have to confront it at a time,
when I’m in the mood for confrontation.


Me, I love.
I share my love,
And I’m open to new love
Which is how we
Got to be friends.

But also within me,
I’m not responsive to all,
And in particular
I exclude those who
Are rightfully so,
Connected to me.

In this way
I choose in whom,
I want to be related to.

And yet,

A one has come from that place
And I’ve chosen
to reveal myself to her.

And in doing so,
She is revealing herself
To us both.

In that
I see a love
For awareness,

And so,
I’ve chosen
To not turn away.

In this new way then,
I don’t perceive
That I’m changing

But I like
The growth

Change with me
If you like,

But don’t expect

The change
To effect

Who we’ve

To each other.

In that
I think
is truth!

In the future:

How about a life that makes the living better?
Love that includes your whole life.
Passion that wakes you up @ night.

And the best part is, in the future,
you'll never have to wonder if you're being loved.
Plus, your whole family is invited.

Now all you have to do,
is want such a life.

For when we're ready for anything, ideally,
that should include somethings that you'll want more of.

Sort of like good sex!

When the power is right,
the surrender is that much more complete.

In the between, sleep!
But remember,
it's a long holiday weekend,
so be safe,
and remind your friends to be as well....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Beauty of Memories

Is that within them, there's a choice to be taken;

Not unlike love, which unfurls and is buffeted by every other opinion,
within a memory, there is only the viewer, who controls the outcome.

Thinking then as I do, remembering you as you'll always be to me, I smile.
Not because my mind is jaded and I can only remember the beauty of it all,
but because no matter the reality, in closing my eyes, I can remember the you that always brought me joy, and in that, you'll always be.

On Mothers day, and beyond....

Friday, May 09, 2008

The reality of life is:

Many are called, and yet,
very few will answer.

Not unlike the people we meet as we go about our day;

Many will seek to be seen,
but few, actually want to be known.

And in that,
is contained the reason why
so many are aware,
and yet so few have understanding!

In knowing this,
just as in knowing me,
there is indeed a difference.

Me then,
I know you,
seek more.

Which is why we, connect....

Monday, May 05, 2008

An old thought:

You know,
so many things change in life,
and yet,
the things that matter never seem to fail us:

and Strength.

For us then,
is almost as good as today,
but, in the between of tomorrow,
closeness has always been the promise!

Which is yet another reason to smile.