Monday, January 02, 2006

In the beginning(s),

God created man,
who subsequently found himself,

Seeing this,
God was kind enough to craft from the man,

Another who from within,
could stand with the man
and complete his life from the opposite,
and/or at least external point of view.

Marriage thus was consummated!

Oddly enough though,
marriage is often no longer a union of the souls,
as it is a contractual agreement.

Question then,
do not geese have a life long partner?

Why then should a Woman not have the same?
Is she not as capable,
as steadfast, as a bird?

Are not men able to put aside
their worldly ambitions
and seek to hold dear
the ambitions spoken
and honorably contained in their vows
and commitments
towards their wives?

If then,
"to have and to hold"
is not a slogan,
then it must be an attainable goal.

For to come full circle in my thought(s),
the goal is to be with another,
not to be with myself.

The goal of marriage
is the relinquishing
of your will to another,
and so to achieve this goal,
consideration must be given
to the one with whom you seek to wed;

Is he a believer in the premise of marriage,
or just a one wanting to hold you
within the framework of a relational contract.

As for the woman,
does she posses
the desire to see you
through the ages,
or only a one seeking
that which is good and safe
in the now?

oddly enough
is about forever.

Forever my man.
Forever your woman.
Forever no matter!

Anything less than that
is not a marriage at all.

Anything less than that
is actually just another
relational construct
for the here and now,
not tomorrow and always.

Which could be good too,
but not the reason
you were crafted from
within though!