Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Viewpoint(s) shared:

There is a risk involved in everything
Everytime you share a smile
Everytime you shed a tear
You are opening yourself up to hurt.

Some people tread slowly through life,
Avoiding the closeness risk brings,
Side-stepping the things
they can't understand
Turning away from those
who care too much-Those who care too long,
Those who hold too tightly.

There is never an easy way to love
You can not approach it cautiously
It will not wait for you to arm yourself.

It does not care if you turn away
It is everywhere, it is everything.

Love is the greatest of all risks.
It is not reliable,
it is not cautious,
It is not sympathetic
It is unprejudiced
and unmerciliess.

It strikes the strongest of mind,
And brings them to their knees
in one blow.

Even in the best of times,
love hurts.
It hurts to need,
it hurts to belong,
It hurts to be
the other part of someone else,
Without either of your consent.

But, from the moment
it over takes you,
It hurts worse to be all alone.

The risk of love never depletes;
It grows stronger
and more dangerous with time.

But, it's in the total surrender of all defense,
That we,
no matter weak or strong,
No matter willing or captive,
No matter what,
we truly experience love.

Despite the many things love is not,
Outweighing its allure the things that love is:
Love is surrender without a loss.

It is a gift without cost.
For it consumes your every thought & desire,
It is the fire that fuels you
To do more than pass through life;

It urges you,
to live.

No matter the outcome,
having felt love,
You will never be the same.

It may scar your heart & soul
And leave you only memories of forever.

Or, it may cause every day of your life
To feel like there is no need for tomorrow.

love is worth it.
It is worth the risk...
For in all of life,
Love is truly
the only risk worth taking.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Feeling Our Words(I liked this):

Words Have Weight Words carry energy and this gives language its power and its potential to heal or hurt. Most of us can remember a time that someone sent a word our way, and it stuck with us. It may have been the first time we received a truly accurate compliment, or the time a friend or sibling called us a name, but either way it stuck.

This experience reminds us that what we say has weight and power and that being conscious means being aware of how we use words. The more conscious we become, the more we deepen our relationship to the words we use so that we speak from a place of actually feeling what we are saying. We begin to recognize that words are not abstract, disconnected entities used only to convey meaning; they are powerful transmitters of feeling.

For the next few days, you might want to practice noticing how the words you say and hear affect your body and your emotional state. Notice how the different communication styles of the people in your life make you feel. Also, watch closely to see how your own words come out and what affect they have on the people around you.

You may notice that when we speak quickly, without thinking, or rush to get our ideas across, our words don't carry the same power as when we speak slowly and confidently, allowing those receiving our words time and space to take them in.

When we carefully listen to others before we speak, our words have more integrity, and when we take time to center ourselves before speaking, we truly begin to harness the power of speech. Then our words can be intelligent messengers of healing and light, transmitting deep and positive feelings to those who receive them. Speak truthfully, and live with integrity.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I believe many things;

And yet today;
I believe that directly across from me on this earth
is a being so much like myself.

In their need for love...
their craving for peace...
their desire for unity...
and that person is connecting with me,
even though we can't speak each other's language,
and we eat different foods,
and we wear different clothes,
and play different games.

Even though we differ in every other way,
we are the same in one way.
We are Love.

We are Love...
underneath the fear.

And I believe we can abolish that FEAR!

I believe we can pull it all away
and get to what the core is...
who we really are.

Which is Love!
What do you believe?

"Fear, in whatever form, prevents the understanding of ourselves
and of our relationship to all things."

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Good sex...............

…………… like a great relationship,
requires mutual participation.

Without the efforts of two people,
nothing wonderful can develop
when just one person is
willing to share themselves with another.

Whether it is in love,
in bed or even at lunch,
when one provides
and the other is incapable
of meaningful participation,
what fulfillment can come
from such an encounter?

Which of course,
is my way of saying(?)
I’m not just deleting you,
I’m also releasing
you more fully
back into yourself!

Please, enjoy the moon
as it beckons again

Monday, February 06, 2006

Lessons learned

After awhile you learn
the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn that love doesn't mean possession
and company doesn't mean security.

And you begin to learn that kisses
aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises
and you begin to accept
your defeats with your head up
and your eyes ahead
with the grace of an adult
not the grief of a child.

And you learn
to build your roads today
because tomorrow's ground
is too uncertain for plans
and futures have ways
of falling down in mid-flight.

After awhile
you learn that
even sunshine
burns if you get too much
so you plant your
own garden
and decorate
your own soul
instead of waiting
for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that
you really can endure
that you really are strong
and you really do have worth
and you learn.......

…………… love freely,
without unfettered strings attached!

Monday, January 02, 2006

In the beginning(s),

God created man,
who subsequently found himself,

Seeing this,
God was kind enough to craft from the man,

Another who from within,
could stand with the man
and complete his life from the opposite,
and/or at least external point of view.

Marriage thus was consummated!

Oddly enough though,
marriage is often no longer a union of the souls,
as it is a contractual agreement.

Question then,
do not geese have a life long partner?

Why then should a Woman not have the same?
Is she not as capable,
as steadfast, as a bird?

Are not men able to put aside
their worldly ambitions
and seek to hold dear
the ambitions spoken
and honorably contained in their vows
and commitments
towards their wives?

If then,
"to have and to hold"
is not a slogan,
then it must be an attainable goal.

For to come full circle in my thought(s),
the goal is to be with another,
not to be with myself.

The goal of marriage
is the relinquishing
of your will to another,
and so to achieve this goal,
consideration must be given
to the one with whom you seek to wed;

Is he a believer in the premise of marriage,
or just a one wanting to hold you
within the framework of a relational contract.

As for the woman,
does she posses
the desire to see you
through the ages,
or only a one seeking
that which is good and safe
in the now?

oddly enough
is about forever.

Forever my man.
Forever your woman.
Forever no matter!

Anything less than that
is not a marriage at all.

Anything less than that
is actually just another
relational construct
for the here and now,
not tomorrow and always.

Which could be good too,
but not the reason
you were crafted from
within though!