Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In this Life(pmr):

In this life,
there is love that goes unused.

Love that goes unclaimed.
there is even Love that goes away!

In this way,
many people are made sad, or bitchy,
or angry, or depressed, or sometimes,
just plain confused about life.

In that void,
because of that emptiness
We, those that are not afraid of love
we connect.

Even without touching
we make love
with words
we share love,
even with our thoughts
mostly unspoken.

Which oddly enough,
is the reason there
is real love anyway.

Me, I just like that about life.
No matter the season
I will always be drawn to those
unafraid to feel.

Like you!

Enjoy this day my friend,
and as always,
be blessed as you love again!