Friday, June 29, 2012


Beauty is the reality of being yourself.
Frustration comes when your reality is living someone else's life!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ear helps;

Listening is a magnetic and powerful embrace, a creative force from deep within ourselves. Thus the friends who listen to us are the ones we move closer toward.

Just as when we are listened to, it creates and enhances our center, allowing us to unfold and then, expand toward others.

Tuesday morning and though, I'm missing the laughter of my sons, the warmth of the sun, and the calm that comes from swimming @ the W. Dennis Beach in July, on this day, I do have the Joy of a job yet be completed by the many hands in the Worship Center to refresh me.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What if;

The reality is I can't be there, if you never tell me where it is!

Nor can I calm the hurt, if you never speak about it openly with me, and yet, the reality also is that if you stop walking into walls,
you might find the door that much sooner!

Just saying..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

An Island on the sea;

Wednesday reminds me that no matter the circumstance(s), life is often more about what we're willing to reach(beyond ourselves) for, and less about what we say(to others) we're searching for!

Like Joy, life is choosing and making the right choices.

Life is me choosing to not be down;
because I remember how hard it'll be be to motivate back up.

Wednesday(Thursday), let it be different this time...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My 3 Sons;

Distance isn't the answer, but neither is it the excuse;

Father's day may be the greatest reminder, but one day,
when the children grow old enough, then, and more often then not,
it will be a Happy Father's day!

In the between, be happy in your heart..

Friday, June 15, 2012

How can you win;

Introduce yourself to your obstacles today:
"Hello, my name is Victory, and you must be; Defeated.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Choice equals opportunity;

Wednesday, and the reality of it all isn't lost underneath the misunderstanding.

For honestly, the best part about fear, is it reveals who you really are, when whatever you're standing(upon) behind, falls down in front of you!

Me, I like the idea of fear, enjoy the fight, or flight emotions, and yet, I don't filter my understanding through them, for it's not what we're feeling that matters, it what we know, and where that knowledge is actually rooted.

Wednesday, and though people come and go, choosing still helps nonetheless..

Friday, June 08, 2012

There's more to come;

Friday coming up(or, you're in Guam), and though it's the end of the week, it's not the end of it all. So shake it off and step into the positive. Life is what's it's going to be, you though, you can be who(ever) you want.

And yes, even with my eyes off you, You are Amazing nonetheless...

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Without fear;

I live, love, and work around some human beings that often cause me to question my own smile, and yet, seeing them, knowing what they say and do aren't always the same thing, I'm still happily in love with them...

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Quit your bitching;

And in this way, it doesn't matter if you remember what you've said, 
for what you've said, is something you'll want repeated about you!

Plus, I like the Post Office...