Saturday, September 24, 2011

With an honorable nod to TD Jakes:

Try not to confuse people who love What you do, with the people who love Who you are!

Being a one whom others respect and enjoy being around is a different position, than to just be the one whom your sycophant(s) and others, have grown to fear and venerate.

Performance based love always evaporates eerily when the facts are no longer being ignored, and the truth is once again enjoyed!

Saturday finds me smiling.
Must be the Lords doing..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Here along the Rogue,

I am often reminded of the steep trails, and deep water gorges. Horses in the canyon, and white water whirl pools! Funny how even with all that, the calm of a cool valley morning is still very refreshing.

Which, when I thought about you this morning, thought about how life's full of surprises and oh so predictable, as we move across this plain, isn't it easier to be alone, than to be subject to the whims of another. And have we chosen that path of least resistance, as a road our own growth, or our own complacency?

Me, I like thinking, it's just another way to keep it fresh...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Anthony Nannetti 9-11

"How easy to capture the sound of the wind when the city was sleeping; to share these borrowed row houses with p
hantoms, pious and imperceptible, on streets where nothing can thrive in spite of us now.

Now our dreams, lacking sequence, are reassembled and layered to mirror the logic of our waking lives. We look to them for permanence, a way to sleep with doubt and to doubt the single certainty."

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


In my experience(s) some are really gifted with directness when they can self edit, and others, well, they are so direct that the force of their words are overwhelming! In the soft middle, there are those that are forward to shield a reserve that they’ve chosen out of(fill in the blank) to keep between themselves, & those that want to come closer.

Not knowing you, & keeping my mistakes to tripping, or over cooking the rice, I just thought it was best to ask what the difference was within you!

Friday, September 02, 2011

Endure, not procure!

I know, it's the last weekend of the summer, & your mind says to let it all out! But please, I(and others) love and will continue to need you as this life winds down, so when I read this, I was moved to share:

"1 Corinthians 10:13(ESV) No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, & he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."