And though I'm still reading words written the day before, my day break is nonetheless moored in the truth that not everyone can believe in reality the way I do. Which, is the true blessing, except, when it's not!
So, Newt is the Next Great Hope?
In this, I am relieved, and terrified.
But you know, last night I saw the movie Courageous, over @ RVCC and the thing that struck me deepest, was that I was raised by my father, and in that, being different isn't always the liability others believe it to be. It takes a whole person, to raise another whole person.
Two broken people are not a family, nor are mothers disqualified either, but having a man to offer up examples, helped me for sure...
Two broken people are not a family, nor are mothers disqualified either, but having a man to offer up examples, helped me for sure...