Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday en route;

Underneath the realities, I learned from my dad, who didn’t have a formal education but had doctorates from both the school of hard knocks and the Korean War (conflict).

He always modeled, that if you gave 110 percent, all the time, a lot of the hurt filled things that'll happen in this life, will be tempered by the knowledge that you were all in, ever present and accounted for!

And from those lessons learned along the way, and the continuing Joy of breathing still, for me, it's not consistent with a good life, whether or not I'm right, or validated by others, for the real answers are to be found in the way I live, in spite of those things!

And I like that.

Thursday then, and it feels good to heading off to:
It's not work, so much as a joy to be welcome (d) and present at the same time...