Monday, December 14, 2009

1st of all, the movie comes out this week nationwide;

and 2ndly:

Very poetic and soothing, true enough, but without words that comfort, how can a man get his viewpoint accepted fully? And in your words, I can see that you heard(saw) what I was saying, so we were all blessed!

And yes, having a relationship that solidifies your basic human needs, without undoing the years of independence can be quite a challenge, when most are under the impression that the only way to hold another, is to contain them, in some symbolic way, that’s easily explained to friends and family.

And in that, I know that under the mistletoe, a few will be tempted to change their direction, just for a second of that hallmark ideal of a relationship, but please, remember that almost all those tears shed, are directly related to surrendering into what seemed good and pleasing to others, even though deep inside, you knew that the time had come, to move past just wanting to come again, this time!

Me, it was a great weekend, and even though Jean had her security detail in my dossier again. Eugene wasn't long enough, nor did many people come out for the "Festival of Lights".

Next time
I'm singing in Redding...