It is widely understood, but rarely admitted, that a
woman exerts a powerful influence over her man's
life, and his overall pursuit of happiness therein.
So, it's really no surprise that when she is lit up and shining, as her man, you usually have a great day,
and the world seems that much brighter, and everything is
as it should be, plus, life is good.
However, on the flip side, you also know, that when
she's in a bad mood, you're whole world is open to trouble!
Whether it is conscious or unconscious, a woman has an
extraordinary ability to influence her man's happiness.
In fact, so strong is this influence, so powerful is
her ability to expand his happiness or to squeeze the joy out of him, that we can make this bold statement:
a woman can also put a ceiling on a man's happiness.
So how can we as men take advantage of this information?
One powerful strategy is to put so much attention on
her happiness, that the woman reaches a point of abundant
surplus in her life. In this way, she'll feel so naturally happy and contented with the world, and the attention she is receiving from it, that this abundance will spill over to her man and othe ther people around her.
(Note to the ladies: in order to reach that point
of surplus you must be open to receiving it. To provide
a visual example: you can't pour water into a closed
container. So practice being open to receive all the
pleasure a man has and is willing to give towards you.)
And remember my brothers, this isn't the gospel.
It's simply one other way to be a better man, and
not just for your woman, but for all the other men
she may encounter after you!
You may now go back to being unaware..............