Wednesday, October 15, 2008

All too often;

I hear from people who are afraid to speak.

I know, sounds like a contradiction, and yet, there
are so many amongst us, which just refuse to see past
the obvious limitations of their thoughts, and reach further!

Now, I'm not complaining, because if it wasn't for the closed mind,
it would be difficult for me to make a living, but really, is that all there is to it?

Truly, it is so dark now, that even I look forward to a greater darkness to come,
if not but to only run up my billable hours? 


For me, stepping past the upcoming election and the harsh reality of
so many hurting Americans (yes, I have foreign friends too), me,
I just want to work towards something better.

Maybe I'll rent out the guest house.

Or for sure, I'll have a singles thanksgiving party this year,
just so the lonely can at least not be so on that one day.

But more than that, I just want to move past the detritus that is this life
we are too often forced to live in, because of the arrogance and ignorance
of those who claimed to no longer need our participation, and yet,
still spend so much of their free time, trying to make our lives 
as miserable as theirs!

Today, I just couldn’t spend another moment caught up in it.

Maybe I’ll just go bowling for lunch?