Thursday, October 02, 2008

October begins

And in so many ways,
the anxiety persists.

Why is this?

Sure, not wanting to see past the obvious is easier for some,
and yet, real time is something that most people only seem to devote
to things, that waste it anyway, as for me, I have a better idea:

Why don’t we love without fear.
Connect without deceit.
Embrace without artifice?

For without pure knowledge,
there will never be connection(s),
and without connecting,
me, I'm not really interested!

So with that said,
I’ll sleep better knowing the truth.

The world isn’t going to end soon,
food and shelter is only a phone call away,
And no matter what the talking heads proclaim;

If and when Jesus returns,
I’ll still be me.

And in that,
You can find peace too!