Monday, October 08, 2007


I allow myself to think about the possibilities of you,
not just the you that you're becoming,
but more so the you that I've always imagined you can be.

even when I'm struggling
with all the things that being in a relationship with you entails,
still, I am often able to just look pass your past,
and see into the future that you're creating and smile.

For in this new future,
this new you,
all there is you,
and in that,
even I find peace.

Of course,
as I was going into my day,
I never expected to have these thoughts.

Nor did I even
consider the possibility that having you
soon before me would affect me
any differently than it always has,
but sometimes,
even I can be moved by the unseen,
inspired by the unknown(to you),
encouraged even in my own thoughts,
by the fear(s)
that is within you right now!
